Our Quality, Environmental, Health, Safety & Security Policy

Chin Yuan Metal Pte Ltd and M Stud Industries Sdn Bhd commit to:

  • Serving our customers with a Quality mindset.
  • Delivering products and services that meet the total needs of our customers.
  • Protecting the environment, preventing pollution, and reducing waste for the creation of a cleaner and greener environment as far as reasonably practicable.
  • Providing safe and healthy working conditions, eliminating hazards, and reducing Health & Safety risks for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health as far as reasonably practicable.
  • Consultation with and participation of our staff in Health & Safety activities via workers’ representatives.
  • Training staff, suppliers and contractors to cultivate good Health & Safety awareness and practices.
  • Complying with all applicable legal, statutory, regulatory and other relevant requirements.
  • Achieving continual improvement in our Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety management system, objectives, targets and performance.
  • Incorporating SGSecure into the Group culture and committing to preparing the workforce, protecting the workplace and partnering with community against security threats.

Dolly Lim
Executive Director
3 January 2023